M2M Contact Network 

As a support group, at Life On The Level, we recognise the importance and benefit our members gain from contact with each other. Simply having contact when facing isolation, or sharing a worry or a problem with someone who understands – can be a wonderful and warming thing.

As we only meet every two months, we have created an “opt in” service, where members can choose to share their contact details with other “opt in” members and thus maintain contact and even meet between our group meetings. We call this the Member to Member contact network – or M2M . 

Participation in this network is entirely voluntary, and only open to verified support group members. [Please ensure you return your members information form, as we require receipt of this before adding you to this contact network]

Members just need to let us know if  they would like to join this additional network. Then we just need you to confirm your contact preferences  for your entry into the contact list – please see below.

We have also added a geographical location, to help those identify fellow members who may live close enough to look to arrange to meet up for coffee or just a chat.

By joining this member network, you are confirming that you are happy for others to contact you and likewise you may contact any or all of the other members listed.

Sample contact list shared with opted in members :-





Contact Fellow Members Directly – between meetings

We believe that your contact with fellow members will bring you some very positive benefits of contact with people who understand your challenges, but also you will be providing similar positive support and benefit to those you contact. So please do make the effort to contact your fellow members – we think there is much to gain from this and new friendships with people with common issues are ready to be enjoyed.

Next Steps (after you  have become a member) 

Simply email to contact@lifeonthelevel.org – or phone 0116 318 4042

To confirm you wish to Opt in (you can opt out at any time in the future) and let us know which contact details you wish to be shown on this list

Email address and which best phone number

Or   Just Email

Or   Just phone number

You can join at any time in the future and once joined you can opt out again at any time and have you details removed from the list.  There is no pressure to opt in , although the feedback we have received so far indicates that the network is a positive experience for our members by encouraging contact with people who understand your challenges

Form new friendships

Talk with people who share your challanges

Meet up outside of our formal group meetings

Support each other, as only fellow members can

Just contact us today and take that first step to being a part of our rapidly growing support group – Click on this Link.