Take the step to join us
If you are a sufferer of any serious balance condition or related issues (tinnitus and or hearing issues), or you have a sufferer in your family, or a friend is a sufferer – please contact us today. We would love to hear from you and we are happy to tell you more about what we do and how we may be able to help. The truth is you may be looking to join us for help and support for yourself, but in many cases your sharing of your life challenges and your solutions will go on to help others in our group. It does not matter what condition you have been diagnosed with, as balance disorders result from so many varied conditions, and even the symptoms vary tremendously within each individual – so any balance issues and we would love to hear from you. So please please email, phone or just go on our chat facility and we would love to talk with you today – Click on this link.
You don’t have to be a sufferer or even know one, in order to help. We are always on the look out for “people who do” – in other words local people who may have a few hours to volunteer their time, whether that is fundraising, handing out leaflets to local doctor practices, or simply volunteering to help talk with some of our sufferers in need. We would be delighted to hear from you at any time and look at how best to get you involved in our community. Just contact us today and take that first step to helping others – Click on This Link.
Local shops and Business people
We have so much need of local support ourselves, whether it is publicising that we exist, or offering help and encouragement o our sufferers we would love to hear from you. We can’t offer “riches” in return, but our community will of course look to recognise any local business or shop that wants to help, hopefully with the custom and referrals, if ever appropriate. We have a local community business and retail friends page on this site, where we are happy to list those who do anything to help our community and support work.
Retailers – you can stock our leaflets and let those who may need us, finds us through you. Also we can help and advise you on what likely accessibility issues face our suffers and we would be delighted to arrange to drop in and talk to you and your staff about the issues and what can be done to help in an emergency in your store or workplace.
Businesses – can help tremendously. Just by publicising a link to ourselves to your staff and supplier & client networks can help us “go viral” in our community and ensure we reach all those how can benefit from our support. Remember this is often a “hidden” illness, so you probably wont even know who has such serious balance issues anyway, so just pass on the information to everyone, so they can then find us.
You may be able to help with our local logistics, such as a meeting room once a quarter, or help provide a lift for someone who is unable to get to our occasional meetings. Or you may just want to help in any way you can, as you appreciate that being part of your local community is more than just employing local labour and making money from local people or businesses. Please contact us today, we never ask much of any business, but you and your staff can gain a lot by your small involvement.
The rest of the world
Anyone who feels they can add to our mission and journey, please just contact us today. If you are a current or ex professional who my have any relevant knowledge or experience, or is you have an idea that may help or a point of view you want to share – wherever you are, and whoever you are – contact us today, we always like to make new friends. Just contact us today and take that first step to helping others – Click on this Link.