We love the guys at VeDA , who are based in the USA, but have a really great web site and a wonderful approach to all Balance disorders. We felt it appropriate to provide some links and information about their site, as this may just be of interest or help to you. Our group is affiliated with VeDA and their guidance for good support group practice


Mission, Vision, Values

VeDA Mission  – “To support and empower vestibular patients on their journey back to balance”.   We couldn’t have said this any better .          VeDA Vision – “We envision a world where vestibular disorders are widely understood, rapidly diagnosed, and effectively treated so patients can restore balance and regain life.”    Again we share their vision completely.  They don’t fund medical research (Whereas The Menieres Society in the UK do), but they make a lot of noise about the importance of education for the world concerning Balance disorders.

For more information see https://vestibular.org/mission 

On Line Information and Help

The VeDA web site contains a lot of great on line information, not only curated over the last 35 years, but always adding the latest news and views. We recommend visiting the following important pages and browsing through the available information, as it does cover many varieties of balance disorder and we think in a very clear and helpful manner. Top Marks to VeDA and if you can please donate something to them as without donations they could not supply this information to you or anyone else.

For more see the following key pages :-

What is Vestibular?

Diagnosis & Treatment

Coping & Support

Donate to VeDA