As the leading charity in the UK for Ménière’s and serious Balance disorders, we felt it appropriate to just dedicate a page of our site to give more detail on what the charity does and how it could be of help to you.


Charity Membership and Members Pack

For as little as £20 you can become a full annual member of the society. A huge incentive here is the members pack that is posted to you and contains one of the best information packs on balance disorders, treatments and lots of advice on dealing with the symptoms. Your membership also demonstrates your support for one of the few UK charities concerned with these issues. Our support group strongly endorses membership, if you can spare the money.

For more information see https://www.Ménière’

On Line Information and Help

The main charity web site contains a lot of great on line information, not only curated over the last 30 years, but adding the latest news and advances as they happen. We certainly recommend visiting this section and browsing through the available information

For more see https://www.Ménière’

Funding Medical Research

Unique to the Ménière’s society, it is the only charity in the UK that funds actual medical research into Ménière’s and serious balance disorders. Over the years the resulting research has helped with some significant progress in understanding more about these complex conditions and how to improve treatment of their symptoms.

For More Information see https://www.Ménière’ 

The Charity is always keen to find volunteers and fundraisers for their cause, so we are happy for our support group and any of its members to actively look to be involved as and when they can. To borrow an other organisations phrase “Every Little Helps” !