Thank you to all the many members who participated in the annual survey towards the end of 2023. This is something we do every two years to ensure that your support group is doing all it can to help and support. Whilst we know that with now approaching 300 members, we can’t hope to be perfect for everyone, we do hope we meet the expectations and needs of the vast majority.
You can download the complete survey results using the link further down on this page, that includes some of the wonderful members comments (identities removed).
What the results tell us
You will see from the results that now in our fifth year, we are getting most things right for the majority of members, with very high scores on most aspects of the groups activities.
The most important score however is in how we have helped you, and that particular question has yielded the best scores ever recorded, and we have had such wonderful feedback and comments from many members.
“Keeping on the level: Living well with long-term health conditions.”

Members Own Stories
One of the biggest takeaways from the results is a growing desire to hear more members own stories, where personal journeys and our balance related challenges are shared with fellow members. There is a strong vote to include these in our support group meetings and also via video and written versions on our web site and video channels (Facebook and You Tube).
We will be asking our members to consider sharing their stories over the coming year, either live in a meeting or pre recorded at home on a phone camera, so on reading this now please let us know if you are ready to share your story now – just email .
VeDA –
It was interesting to see members voting so positively for VeDA’s web site as a great resource for information and advice and also welcoming more contact and participation form VeDA with the group. We will look to make this happen for our April meeting if at all possible
Seeking Improvement in NHS Access
There was a strong response here to members wanting the group to do more to “help” the NHS provide better resources for balance conditions. Whilst the quality of our balance experts in the NHS is first class, most of our British members will be aware that these experts are too few in number and access to any treatment is now generally far worse than when we started our group in 2019. We will continue to seek to lobby for more NHS resources, but I think we all are aware, like many of our own conditions, this is more a marathon than a sprint.
Practical Advice & Help
Our web site sections on help and advice for coping with Anxiety, Employment issues and claiming benefits have been well received. We hope to add to these and we have plans to see if we can assist in even more practical and physical ways in the near future.
The survey has been very useful to remind us all of what we need to be doing and do more of, but please please please do keep emailing in your suggestions, comments, and ideas throughout the year.
To see all of the survey results please click below to download a pdf version.
Life On The Level Members Survey Results 2023
Please come and join our group if you feel we can help and don’t wish to face your challenges alone. You are very very welcome.