The next balance support group meeting will be on Saturday 19th October @ 2.00 pm
Leicester Racecourse – Premier Suite
Our Guest Expert Speaker is
Mr. Andrew Clements MC SP Chartered Physiotherapist
Michaela is a vestibular audiologist, hypnotherapist and mind coach. Working at Leicester’s renowned NHS Balance Clinic.
Michaela’s presentation will be on aspects of her work in helping so many balance disorder patients to find a better quality of life , through her approach to both the body and the mind.
Title – “Yes and no…” It depends on how you look at it. Perception of your experience and the meaning it has to you affects your response influencing what happens next. Stress and anxiety impacts balance and recovery.
Michaela’s entire presentation and Q&A session will be streamed live on facebook.
Support group members are encouraged to pre-submit their own questions for Michaela
After Michaela’s presentation and a short break we will here from our very own –
Rupal Rajani – BBC Radio Leicester Host
Talking of her life in broadcasting and living with a balance disorder.
All details of the next meeting can be found here
Due to seating numbers, we do ask that any non members planning to attend simply contact the group before hand
and we can then ensure we are ready to welcome you and make you feel at ease.
contact us anytime on or tel 0116 318 4042
All are welcome to join our journey to a Life More Balanced