VeDA Live Webinar – 14th September 7pm
Prof Peter Rea – Presenting and with Live Q&A Session
As many of you may know our support group is affiliated with both the Menieres Society and VeDA – the US based balance charity. These two bodies represent the best source of information for anyone with a serious balance disorder and they have over the years helped millions of balance disorder sufferers.
I am delighted to confirm that VeDA have invited Life On The Level to produce and manage their first ever UK presentation in their annual conference that celebrates Balance Awareness Week (in the US this is 14th to 21st September).
On Monday 14th September at 7 pm (UK time) VeDA will be broadcasting a live webinar presentation with Prof Peter Rea as the guest speaker. Prof Rea will present a detailed slide show on the latest news for accessing the UK healthcare system with any balance disorder. This is a follow up presentation to the wonderful presentation we received in our May group meeting and should not be missed.
Click Here to Register Now for FREE
The Webinar (and all other 5 US based webinars) are FREE to register and FREE to watch. However anyone wishing to download copies of the videos of the complete set of webinars, after the events, would need to donate $20 (to support VeDA’s amazing works). So watch on Monday for FREE, or pay to view the recordings later.
In addition To Prof Rea’s presentation, there will be a live Q&A session open to our audience and hosted with our own BBC Radio Leicester Rupal Rajani presenting your questions to Prof Rea. Whilst you watch the presentation you will be able to type in your own questions.
After the Q&A session we will be hosting a live Patient Panel, where two of our support group members will be discussing with Rupal their own experiences in accessing treatment and care. With Rupal will be Prof Andrew Hugill and Abi Aspen Glencross . Again audience comment and questions will be possible during this session, sharing your experience and asking questions of the panel. We anticipate the webinar ending at approx 8.30pm, but being a live event this may change.
The webinar is open to non support group members as well and we will put the details on our face book page and on our web site, so feel free to spread the word that the event is on this Monday 14th Sept at 7pm. You can watch on a PC, tablet or smartphone.
Do look at the VeDA conference page as well, as although the other webinars are by American based expert presenters, their presentations will have a lot of relevance for British based balance sufferers. See all the webinar topics and times here
We hope to see you on Monday, where myself, Rupal and Kelly (our super Social Media manager) will be working hard to bring you another great event that hopefully will help anyone with a balance problem and help us all access the care and treatment we may need during these difficult times.
Best Wishes & Keep Safe
Kevin, Rupal, Kelly, Jola and Chris
Life On The level
If you have a balance disorder, we are a free to join support group and would love to welcome you. We have members as far afield as Australia, Holland and the USA – and many in the midlands UK